A new home for Australian vehicle recalls

The new Vehicle Recalls website provides a one-stop-shop for you to search and view all recall notices for Australian road vehicles and road vehicle components. If you supply vehicles or their components, you may also wish to view our guidance for suppliers.

What is a vehicle recall?

Vehicle recalls help to keep you and your vehicle safe on our roads. Vehicles and their components must comply with Road Vehicle Standards (RVS) laws and other requirements under Australian law.   

Specifically, all road vehicles and approved road vehicle components in the Australian market must comply with standards under the RVS laws. If they do not comply or there is an issue with their safety, the supplier of the vehicle or component should undertake a recall to either fix the issue or remove it from the market.

What has changed?

Under the new RVS laws, the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications has regulatory responsibility for road vehicle and approved road vehicle component recalls and will publish all new recall notices on this website.

Vehicle recalls will no longer be published by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) and all previous vehicle and component recalls on the ACCC Product Safety Australia website will be migrated here by 1 September 2021.

The ACCC remains responsible for product safety of consumer goods under the Australian Consumer Law. This includes vehicle-related consumer products not covered by the RVS laws, including quad bikes, golf carts, personal mobility devices and power-assisted pedal cycles.

How do I know if my car is affected?

If your car is affected by a recall, you will typically be notified from the place you bought it, either through the supplier or manufacturer. The recall notification will provide you with information on what to do. In most cases, this will involve returning your vehicle to the manufacturer or your dealer to have the safety issue or non-compliance addressed.

You can also check if your vehicle has any current recall notices by searching this website.

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