Hyundai Motor Company Aust Pty Ltd - HYUNDAI SANTA FE 2012 - 2016

recall information

Recall number
PRA number
Campaign number
Original published date

make and model information

Year range
2012 - 2016
Affected units

Identifying features

See attached VIN list
VIN (Vehicle identification number)

What are the defects?

The secondary bonnet latch cable has a risk of being corroded. If this occurs, it may fail to engage the secondary latch.

What are the hazards?

If the bonnet is not secured correctly there is a risk of the bonnet lifting while the vehicle is in motion. This will restrict the driver's visibility, posing a risk of injury to the vehicle occupants and other road users.

What should consumers do?

Affected owners will be contacted by direct mail, advising them to contact their local Hyundai dealer to arrange an appointment for the inspection and repair of the vehicle.

For Hyundai dealer locations and Service department contact details consumers can go to Consumers can also contact the Customer Care Centre on 1800 186 306 for further information.
Supplier details
Hyundai Motor Company Aust Pty Ltd

Who should owners/operators contact for more information?

Contact website

Responsible regulator

Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts is the responsible regulator for this recall.

Product type