Iveco Trucks Australia Limited - Iveco Daily City

recall information

Recall number
PRA number
Campaign number
Original published date

make and model information

Daily City
Affected units

What are the defects?

A small number of Daily vehicles have incorrectly graded bolts fitted to the steering gear mounting. The bolts are used to mount the steering gear to the front axle.

What are the hazards?

Vehicle malfunction

What should consumers do?

Contact your nearest Iveco dealer. If you have sold the vehicle or the vehicle is no longer operated by you please pass on the new owner's details to Iveco Trucks Australia on 03 9238 2200 so that Iveco can contact them.
Supplier details
Iveco Trucks Australia Limited

Responsible regulator

Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts is the responsible regulator for this recall.

Product type